Prepping Your Pubic Area
Woohoo! Let’s get sugaring...but first, follow this sugar prep list before showtime.

Make sure it’s safe to sugar your pubic area.
If you have delicate skin, I recommend doing a spot test first.

Make sure your skin is clean, dry, and at room temperature.
Thoroughly wash your pubic area of any oils, and moisturizer then wait about 10 minutes
before you start sugaring.
TIP: Exfoliate 48
hours ahead of sugaring to really make sure your skin is clean.

Check your hair length + trim if needed.
If your hair is too long to tell which direction it’s actually growing (usually over 1/4″),
grab some electric trimmers with a guard on them and trim your hair down so it’s short enough
to see how it naturally lays.
NOTE: If hair is too
long, you’ll experience a tug during application that feels like pinching. It’s not fun.

Make sure you’re in a cool room with the AC running.
Sugar paste is is very picky and requires a cool room or else it will have a meltdown
(literally). Try to have a fan close by you for your first few sessions

Set up your space in front of a standing mirror.
I recommend having a towel to sit on, a side dish to set down your applicator or used wax,
and a damp face towel to help with sticky hands. A standing mirror will save your neck from
craning over your body.

Set up some distractions.
A lot of pain you feel is from tension. This is the last thing you want to do, but relax your
body and take deep breaths! Set up some candles. I always have a show on in the background to
help distract me.

Play with your sugar! Get comfortable handling your sugar paste.
Don’t rush through this step – sugaring looks simple on video, but controlling your sugar can
be very tricky at first. Getting the feel for the sugar without the pressure of waxing will
make you feel less nervous and sweaty (the kiss of death for sugaring) once you start.

Now it's showtime.
How to
Sugar your pubic area ⟶